From Internet giants like Amazon.com to brick-and-mortar companies like Wal-Mart to ambitious internet-based startups, every company engaged in selling products online employs e-commerce software. Some e-commerce software is designed to be implemented out-of-the-box (OOTB), meaning without significant customization by a software development team, while other e-commerce systems are largely built specifically to a certain online retailer’s specifications, yet may also include OOTB modules for features such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Regardless of their type, these complicated, multi-layered systems are no stranger to failure claims, and e-commerce software may be the subject of intellectual property disputes as well. DisputeSoft has served as an independent expert for both e-commerce software developers and e-commerce system customers. We have also worked on matters involving e-commerce sellers involved in claims of unlicensed use or sale of an IP owner’s content.