DisputeSoft was engaged as a testifying expert in February 2015 by BP West Coast Products in the matter of Hogan v. BP West Coast Products, LLC in the Superior Court for the State of California, Los Angeles County.

    Plaintiffs Hogan et al alleged that BP had breached an implied warranty of fitness for intended purpose and had installed frequently unusable software in its Point-of-Sale (POS) systems, which are located in the retail gas stations and attached mini-marts owned by BP franchisees like the plaintiffs.

    DisputeSoft analyzed Help Desk trouble tickets to determine whether the BP West Coast Products Point of Sale system was effectively usable or not. DisputeSoft also examined the reports of the Help Desk trouble tickets to determine whether BP met industry standards for downtime, which is the amount of time that software fails to perform as intended.

    Founder Jeff Parmet proffered an Expert Disclosure on behalf of BP West Coast Products on May 21, 2015. Mr. Parmet also gave deposition testimony on May 29, 2015, as well as trial testimony on August 3, 2015.

    Anne Ackerman

    Director, Operations

    Anne Ackerman has extensive experience in investigating software failure matters, inclu…

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