Anne Ackerman
    Director, Operations

    Anne Ackerman has extensive experience in investigating software failure matters, including preparing expert reports, conducting percent complete analysis, and investigating delay issues.


    • Washington, D.C.

    • Maryland

    • New York

    Anne Ackerman has over 10 years’ experience in the legal industry, both as a practicing attorney and as a recruiter for law firm partners and practice groups. At DisputeSoft, the majority of Anne’s work involves preparing expert reports for breach of contract disputes and software implementation failure matters. Anne works closely with clients when performing in depth analysis of contract documents, project artifacts and various software system testing results for compliance with contractual and industry standards.

    Anne has extensive experience in investigating software failure matters. Anne’s involvement often includes examining requirements elaboration and traceability, reviewing project status reports, conducting percent complete analysis, investigating delay issues, analyzing resource allocation and establishing the extent alleged defects impact a system’s usage. Anne has also worked on matters for which she was involved in interviewing fact witnesses and reviewing deposition testimony as additional resources to prepare expert reports. Often, Anne compiles data from these various sources to provide critical insight into the case timeline, fact discrepancies, and project management best practices.

    Prior to joining DisputeSoft, Anne was a partner and co-founder of a midtown Manhattan general law firm where she managed half of the firm’s cases. Anne’s practice included litigation, contract negotiations, arbitration, and settlement negotiations. More recently, Anne was a Senior Recruiter at a national, partner-level attorney recruiting firm. Anne worked with recruiting coordinators and partners of many AmLaw 100 law firms to negotiate the lateral placement of partners and practice groups.

    Representative Experience

    Federal Signal Technologies v. Texas Department of Transportation

    Nature of Suit: Software project failure matter regarding software for billing and collecting tolls on state highways
    Role: Consulting expert

    • Anne reviewed project artifacts to determine the adequacy of the deliverables specified in the contract
    • Anne analyzed all communication, project deliverables, and the approval process to determine the percent of work completed at the time of termination

    Andra Group v. JDA Software

    Nature of Suit: Software project failure matter regarding a fashion retail e-commerce platform
    Role: Consulting expert

    • Anne investigated whether an out-of-the-box (OOTB) e-commerce solution sold to an online clothing retailer was initially promised in the contract and reflected in the statement of work
    • Anne’s analysis of requirements, deliverables, resources, and delay supported the claim that the parties contracted for an OOTB solution

    Hogan v. BP West Coast Products, LLC

    Nature of Suit: Software project failure matter regarding a retail gas station Point-of-Sale (POS) system
    Role: Consulting expert

    • Anne analyzed project documentation and testimony to assess the success of the system and analyzed help-desk trouble-ticket information to determine the impact on the system
    • Anne assisted in drafting an expert disclosure concluding that a Point-of-Sale (POS) system was effectively usable for its intended purpose


    • J.D., New York Law School

    • B.A., University of Rochester

    Need an expert?

    DisputeSoft provides expert analysis and testifying services to law firms engaged in complex software disputes.